Issyk Ata gorge
Also we want to suggest you to visit Issyk Ata gorge during your weekend. This place is famous for its hot springs. It takes just two hours to get there. It is a beautiful gorge and you can have a light hiking tour to a mountain waterfall. There is a small path that leads you to it. Then you can have a picnic nearby. Also as an option you can go to an open swimming pool with mineral hot springs. You will swim there and enjoy the view of mountains around!
On the way to Issyk Ata gorge you can visit ancient Burana Tower. It was built in the 11 century for 3 purposes. First of all local people used it to call everybody to pray. Then it was a high place to look for enemies. And one of the main goals - it was a sign for travelers of the Great Silk Road. Also there are stone sculptures of warriors - balbals. They were devoted to killed brave warriors. They are like sign for other people to be brave and to protect their Motherland.